VeChain (VEN) Boost Security Testing Collaborations Ahead of Mainnet

VeChain Thor will soon be available with the release of their blockchain, but that does not stop the brand from creating better security for their network. The testing is performed by third parties, which focus on alpha testing, checking and editing the code, and ensuring the security of the wallet. The company plans to put continual pressure on these security efforts without losing intensity until the Mainnet finally launches.

In a statement from VeChain, the team said:

“We at VeChain take security seriously, and have placed the highest priority upon it. We believe true security requires the collaboration with outside forces, and to that extent, we have begun working with multiple security firms during our Mainnet testing.”

One the launch has commenced, the work on the security measures will not stop. VeChain intends to continue their work to promote better blockchain management. Since the system will be processes trillions of transactions, continued support with the active network will be the best way to see where the attention is needed.


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