Bithumb Welcomes Cardano (ADA) and Status (SNT): 1% Payback Announced

Bithumb announced that they will be adding Cardano and Status to their list of trading coins starting on June 13th, which came after having this Korean-based exchange platform adding Aeternity and NEM to their list of digital assets. New listings and partnerships are always welcome to the community, so as expected the mentioned listing did cause increased trading volumes in both SNT and ADA over the past couple of days. Although the current bear market kept gains limited.

Bithumb Is Offering 1% Payback

With the announcement of the newest listings that came on June 13th with going live the next day, Bithumb announced that the exchange will be giving out 1% payback to their users, which might increase the trading volumes for the newly listed currencies during the period between June 16th and June 20th.


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