Safe Haven Partners with VeChain (VEN) For Blockchain Inheritance Service

On the 17th of June this year, the VeChain foundation announced that the Safe Heaven platform would be making a move onto the VeChainThor Blockchain. The Safe Havenplatform was established as a platform that provides adequate solutions to the issue of digital inheritance. With this move taking place, both companies are aiming at creating a powerful solution and even access to the various impactful business and the development of resources.

The well implemented VeChainThor platform will power the Safe Haven platform. The company has been working on providing solutions for asset distribution, inheritance and even the concept is asset control to the world.


VeChain company states that after they did a review of the platform, the technology put in place, network and even the background of the company, they see this will be real value added to their company. The partnership seems it will benefit both companies as it will allow easy user access to multiple solutions that will enable continuity.


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