Australia Could See First Solar-Powered Bitcoin Mining Farm in Coal Town

An Australian data center operator and its cryptocurrency subsidiary are developing what they describe as the country’s first “behind-the-grid data center” powered by renewable energy.

Situated in the coal-mining town of Collie, some 200km south of Perth, the new facility is being developed by data center operator DC Two and subsidiary D Coin and will be powered by a solar farm built by a company called Hadouken, IT Briefreports.

With the key objective of competitive power rates via primarily renewable source, the company claims it will offer the lowest cost and highest density data center in Australia. The data center will notably offer specific zones customized to host cryptocurrency mining operations.

“By providing customised low cost hosting options specifically engineered for cryptocurrency and Bitcoin mining at globally competitive rates, DC Two & D Coin have been able to attract the interest of both the local and international crypto mining community,” the company said.


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