8 Crypto Risers over 30%, Dent, Augur, 0x, WAX, Medibloc, Neblio, DeepBrain Chain and Cobinhood

Dent (DENT) traders will note the 59.58% value increase from what it was 24 hours ago with a trading price now at $.11 this compares to a rise of 471.57% over the last week. Volume in terms of BTC 6,578.82 and $99,774,100 has been traded over the last 24 hours. The coin is ranked number 42 and now has a market cap of $1,158,272,101. There is currently 10,614,760,961 Dent coins in circulation.



Augur (REP) traders may have noticed the 33.6% coin price increase from what it was yesterday with a trading price now at $103.44 this compares to it’s increase of 28.23% over the last 7 days. Volume in terms of BTC 4,214.38 and $63,915,100 has been traded over the past day. The coin has a ranking as number 43 and now has a market cap of $1,137,840,000. There are currently 11,000,000 Augur coins in circulation.

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