- Total market capitalization for cryptocurrencies has surged 400% in just 60 days, while Bitcoin has mostly stayed flat since December.
- The emerging story for 2018 is not Bitcoin; it’s everything other than Bitcoin.
- This article lays out the map for the entire Alt-Coin universe. Surprisingly, there are just three kinds of ideas for the 1400+ coins in existence.
- The analysis suggests an unpopular thesis: forget crypto-currencies, invest in crypto-platforms.
If the story of 2017 for the financial world turned in large part on the mainstream recognition of Bitcoin, then the story for 2018 in the cryptocurrency world has already changed focus to all the other coins, the “Alt-Coins.” This has come into focus recently with Ripple’s 1000%+ gain in the last month. While an outlier, most Alt-Coins in the top 150 have noticed gains between 300%-600% in the same period, and the total market capitalization in crytpocurrencies has surged 400% in just 60 days.
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