IOTA, Raiblocks; Who´s Next? Byteball!

Byteball has a fixed amount of fees equal to the transaction size in bytes. This is a huge advantage nowadays, and it is ridiculously low compared to the bitcoin and ethereum fees. This is achieved through the DAG structure, which at the same time eliminates scalability issues and, thanks to unlimited scalability, the Byteball network becomes more resistant to attacks as the number of transactions increases. This has huge benefits but it’s not all that makes Byteball a unique project.



Byteball distributed their initial ‘Bytes’ via ‘airdrop’ (distributing certain amounts dependent on the amount of BTC of holders) and cashback partnerships with merchants. Dealers and service providers can apply for a refund of 10% of the invoice amount in the form of bytes to customers. You can even get a refund of 20% if you pay via Bytes. By means of wallet, there is an option to manage individual ICOs as Titancoin did. This has resulted in a very large initial place in the market instead of, what has become the industry standard, creating an ICO.


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