Waltonchain and the China Mobile IoT Alliance — Connecting the Dots with Crypto’s Biggest Announcement of 2018

Whatever phone you use, wherever you are in the world, you’re connected to this announcement. It’s an initiative so large that it transcends the entire crypto market cap. This is bigger than Google. Bigger than Microsoft. Bigger than Citibank. Bigger than American Airlines.



Okay, let’s back up. What’s going on?

In June 2017, the China Mobile Internet of Things Alliance was formed, touting members such as China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, ZTE, Huawei, and over 140 more of the world’s leading IoT companies and research institutions. Waltonchain is now one of them. The alliance is the world’s first based on NarrowBand-IoT, or NB-IoT, an international technical standard for MIoT led by China (1).

Here’s where Waltonchain comes in.


Lees het hele artikel hier





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