Why Robinhood Just Started Supporting Bitcoin and Ethereum

On Thursday, Millennial-friendly investment platform Robinhood announced its newest product: Robinhood Crypto. In addition to the stocks and ETFs that are Robinhood's bread and butter, users will be able to trade the cryptocurrencies Bitcoin and Ether without any commission fees.



n addition to buying and selling BTC and ETH, Robinhood users will be able to track information about 14 more cryptocurrencies, from Litecoin to Ripple to Zcash to Monero and so on. Don't worry: Meme-inspired Dogecoin is also on the list.

Robinhood Crypto won't be available everywhere right away. During February, the product will roll out gradually to users in California, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, and New Hampshire. "We hope to have it available to most consumers in the U.S. in the first half of the year," co-CEO Baiju Bhatt said in a phone call, explaining the delay is due to regulatory requirements. In general, he added, "Our goal is to roll [new products] out slowly and steadily."

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