Could Davos Meetings Impact the Price of Ethereum?

The World Economic Forum draws some of the wealthiest and most powerful individuals in the business and finance world together for a series of meetings. Many outsiders view the event with a range of emotions, and the Davos meetings have their share of detractors.

Nonetheless, the World Economic Forum events can have a major impact on the global business world. Given how significant cryptocurrency has been in the past year, it's a sure thing that the growing space will be a prime topic of conversation this year.



Profit Confidential points to two different events in Davos which may impact the price of ethereum and other digital currencies. The first is a meeting entitled "The Remaking of Global Finance," while the second concerns the "Crypto-Asset Bubble." Both are set to take place this week, and each panel features some of the biggest names in finance: from leaders of the International Monetary Fund to Nobel Prize-winning economists.

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