Britain’s Baroness Blockchain brings Ethereum to the ‘Dragon's Den generation’ of investor

EQUI, the latest cryptocurrency announced this week by two top British business leaders Baroness Michelle Mone OBE and entrepreneur Doug Barrowman, intends to push Ethereum products into the mainstream with a new “people-powered investment movement” which, they clam, even your Grandma can invest in.



In short, EQUI is a cryptocurrency built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows people to invest in venture capital propositions.

Mr Barrowman told that for the first time the non-professional investor community is able to participate in an area that is traditionally the preserve of institutions and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. He said: “We’ve got the opportunity to create a people-powered investment movement.” 

The fund uses EQUItokens (digital coins) to buy a piece of a start-up or firm selected by the EQUI’s board. That coin is then traded on an exchange alongside bitcoin, Ethereum and Ripple, but the price is more closely aligned to the buzz around the companies the token is helping to grow.

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