This 11-year-old just wrote a book on bitcoin that hopefully a kid can understand

Like most sixth graders, Andrew Courey is usually playing sports and toying with his iPhone when he's not in school. But unlike most other 11-year olds, he's also an expert on bitcoin. Courey is the author of "Early Bird Gets The Bitcoin: The Ultimate Guide To Everything About Bitcoin," which he self-published for the Amazon Kindle in January. The e-book sells for $2.99, and the paper copy, just released, costs $9.99.



Last year, he was looking for investment opportunities as part of an ambitious plan to earn $20 million by the age of 14, which would enable him to drop out of school, according to an agreement with his parents. Courey came across bitcoin and began reading stories and watching YouTube videos about miners and early investors who had made a lot of money from the digital currency.

Courey said it took him about three months to research, write and, with the help of his parents, edit the book.

"Over the holiday period, he locked himself in his room and just cranked," said his dad, who's been investing in stocks for 16 years and currently works for a firm in Waltham, Massachusetts.

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