Few events are as well known in the short history of bitcoin as Pizza Day, when the first real-world transaction was made using the cryptocurrency, then very much in its infancy. On May 22, 2010, software developer Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoin for two Papa John's pizzas. On Feb. 25, 2018, he did it again, this time buying two pies using the lightning network.
The lightning payment took a bit more logistical wrangling than the first pizza purchase. Again, a British counterparty agreed to facilitate the transaction, accepting bitcoin via a c-lightning payment channel (c-lightning is one of three major implementations of Poon and Dryja's concept). In order to prove that the payment had gone through, Hanyecz showed the first and last four digits of the transaction's "preimage" to the delivery driver; Hanyecz would not know the preimage unless his counterparty's invoice had been paid.
"Note that you should not share the preimage with anyone," he wrote in the forum post describing his purchase.
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