Who owns all the Bitcoin? A few billionaire whales in a small pond

Even if you’re sitting on what you consider a sizable number of Bitcoin, or a Litecoin horde that would make you rich if you sold it all, you’re almost certainly not as big a fish as you might think. Neither are most of the millions of other wallet owners. The majority of the world’s digital currency is owned by just a few thousand wallets. Though the owners are anonymous, they are absolutely, stinking rich.



According to statistics put together by BitInfoCharts through parsing the blockchain, of roughly 23 million Bitcoin wallets in existence, more than 13 million of them own only a fraction of a Bitcoin. While many in number, they make up a minuscule portion of the overall financial landscape. 

At the other end of the scale, only 1,500 addresses have between 1,000 and 10,000 Bitcoins in them. The top 111 wallets have more than 10,000 Bitcoins a piece. That’s tens of millions of dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency in each wallet.

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