Bittrex to Remove Over 80 Altcoins from Its Exchange

Like most other altcoin exchanges, Bittrex has a wide variety of currencies to choose from. Getting listed on this exchange is anything but easy, as the company processes every individual application manually. In a lot of cases, this means we see some lesser-known currencies “stuck” on smaller cryptocurrency exchanges for longer periods of time. As those currencies often bring nothing to the table, that is a normal development, all things considered.



As a result, Bittrex will be removing 82 different altcoins from the exchange by March 30. They include a lot of currencies most people have never heard of, although there are a few surprising names on the list as well. The delisting of FC2, GEMZ, and METAL, among others, is a bit of a surprise, although it makes sense for the company. None of these markets are performing as expected, and thus removing them is the only logical option.

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