Bitcoin Cash: Price of new currency rises after bitcoin's 'hard fork'

On Tuesday afternoon, bitcoin split into two in an event known as a “hard fork” that has divided the virtual currency’s online community. Two competing strands of bitcoin emerged after some of its leading backers disagreed on the best way to take it forward. The price of the cryptocurrency fell by around 4pc to around $2,700 (£2,000) after the fork, while the predicted price of Bitcoin cash rose from just over $200 to about $370, but traders are still unsure what will happen when the dust settles. Here’s what you need to know.

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Is blockchain een hype of de grote belofte?

Blockchain wordt wel vergeleken met de opkomst van het internet. Ook over dat succes liepen aanvankelijk de meningen sterk uiteen. Maar gaat blockchain ons leven net zo ingrijpend veranderen? Vooralsnog wordt er veel geëxperimenteerd, zonder baanbrekende verdienmodellen. Vraag is of die ooit gaan komen.

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Ethereum is spiking as bitcoin splits in 2

Bitcoin's future is yet to be decided, and Ethereum is gaining on the uncertainty. Ethereum, the second most popular cryptocurrency by volume, is up 9.15% in early trading Tuesday, trading at $224.34. That is down 43.22% from its high of $395.13 on July 12.

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Gemini’s First Ethereum Auction Draws Virtually No Interest

Most cryptocurrency enthusiasts will no doubt be familiar with the Gemini exchange. The platform is owned by the Winklevoss twins and has attracted a lot of attention from institutional investors over the past few months. The exchange is especially known for its daily Bitcoin auctions. Last night, the company also started providing Ethereum auctions. As it happened, the first one performed abysmally.

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The Ethereum Crash

Cryptocurrency has had mixed performance in recent weeks with Ethereum doing particularly bad - going down around $125 (35%) since June. The other two major coins held up better. Bitcoin (COIN) gained 5% and Litcoin now trades at roughly the same price it traded for at the end of June.

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Grote Ethereum-miners huren Boeing 747's af voor het verschepen van GPU's

Miningbedrijven die massaal Ethereumcoins delven, zouden inmiddels vrachtvliegtuigen afhuren om nieuwe GPU's zo snel mogelijk te kunnen toevoegen aan hun datacenters. Dat meldt de Amerikaanse nieuwssite Quartz, die de informatie verkreeg in gesprek met Marco Streng, directeur van het bedrijf Genesis Mining. Die vertelde de website dat "we complete vliegtuigen huren, Boeing 747's, voor een tijdig transport. Alle andere mogelijkheden, zoals transport over zee, zijn een gemiste kans."

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Ethereum bedreiging voor huidige verzekeraars

Ethereum technologie biedt de mogelijkheid voor innovatieve start-ups om de verzekeringsmarkt met disruptieve businessmodellen volledig te transformeren naar een op blockchain gebaseerd verzekeringsmodel. Deze start-ups kunnen kostenbesparend opereren ten opzichte van de huidige verzekeraars.

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Flashcrash Vechain VET/ETH on crypto exchange Binance

In the night of Wednesday, September 19 on Thursday, September 20, a flash crash took place at the popular crypo exchange Binance. For a very short period of time, the popular cryptocurrency Vechain (VET) was trading at a very low price against Ethereum (ETH).

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